The Sensational Brothers Acc Info Carrd

Welcome to the info carrd for this gimmick acc! Here you can find all the information you could need about this acc!

I hope this carrd was able to answer any questions you may have but if you need to you may dm to ask any questions!


If you fall under ANY of these catergories then DNI!

  • Basic DNI Criteria

  • Mickey x Donald Shippers (Romantic and/or Queerplatonic IDC JUST FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIP)

  • Proshippers / Com(p)shippers / Neutrals

  • If you're going to try to request for posts involving other characters or complaining that characters like Goofy and Oswald arent involved in these posts

  • You have a problem with this innocent acc

Keep in mind if you wanna follow me on my main acc my DNI list is different there. Im just letting this acc have less boundaries as its NOT my personal accs. Ya know?

Quick Note

As long as ur nsfw acc doesn't fall under any of the DNI criteria I will allow you to interact. BUT I need you to be aware there will be minors in the replies and following so PLEASE be aware of that and make sure not to interact with any of them

Minors that goes for you too. DON'T interact with the nsfw accs! It's for your own good!

Why did you make this acc?

Just for fun! I tend to hyperfixate on their dynamic a lot! And I thought this would be a fun way to induldge in that hyperfixation.
And also bcuz I personally think their one on one dynamic deserves more love :)

Are any of these posts about Donald and Mickey romantic or just in general not platonic?

Hell no! I'm a known hater of the romantic/queerplatonic shipping of Mickey and Donald!
While it may seem silly to some of you those 2 are ACTUALLY family coded to some degree so it is very weird to me that ppl ship them
So yeah you can trust that posts here about them will be PLATONIC / FAMILY only

What about their dynamic with insert character

I dont want to hear a FUCKING WORD of this
You can like their dynamics with other characters but dont expect posts about it here

Make your own posts and gimmick accs if you want to see their dynamics with others posted about. Or follow ppl who do make those accs and posts.

Where can I submit my subissions?

In dms!

What you may submit

  • Screenshots from shows, shorts, games and movies

  • Clips from shows, shorts, games, and movies

  • Fanart (if you are the artist OR you have permission from the artist)

  • Headcanons

  • Memes

What you may NOT submit

  • Romantic / Queerplatonic requests involving Mickey and Donald

  • NSFW

  • Anything that would portray their dynamic as unhealthy/toxic

Mod Info

Name: LakeNicknames: Huey and BenenePronouns: He/Him (still decideding on They/Them or not)Age: 18Main Acc: BeneneTheBananaMain Carrd: Benene Carrd